

IUCN status

EWExtinct In The Wild
CRCritically Endangered
NTNear Threatened
LCLeast Concern
DDData Deficient
NENot Evaluated

E+M code (The Euro+Med PlantBase)

GrGreece, excluding Kriti, Karpathos, Kasos, Gavdhos (Cr) and Greek East Aegean Islands (AE)
CrCrete and Karpathos island groups
AE(G)Greek East Aegean Islands

Greek Floristic regions

KKKriti & Karpathos
EAeEast Aegean Islands
StESterea Ellas
IoIIonian Islands
WAeWest Aegean Islands
ECEast Central
SPiSouthern Pindos
NPiNorthern Pindos
NCNorth Central
NENorth East
NAeNorth Aegean Islands


Abbreviation Habitat description
A Freshwater habitats (Aquatic habitats, springs and fens, reedbeds and damp tall herb vegetation, seasonally flooded depressions, damp and seepage meadows, streambanks, river and lake shores)
C Cliffs, rocks, walls, ravines, boulders
G Temperate and submediterranean Grasslands (lowland to montane dry and mesic meadows and pastures, rock outcrops and stony ground, grassy non-ruderal verges and forest edges)
H High mountain vegetation (subalpine and alpine grasslands, screes and rocks, scrub above the treeline)
M Coastal habitats (Marine waters and mudflats, salt marshes, sand dunes, littoral rocks, halo-nitrophilous scrub)
P Xeric Mediterranean Phrygana and grasslands (Mediterranean dwarf shrub formations, annual-rich pastures and lowland screes)
R Agricultural and Ruderal habitats (fields, gardens and plantations, roadsides and trampled sites, frequently disturbed and pioneer habitats)
W Woodlands and scrub (broadleaved and coniferous forest, riparian and mountain forest and scrub, hedges, shady woodland margins)

Life Form

Abbreviation Life-form Life-form description
P Phanerophyte Perennial plants with perennating meristem (buds) at heights > 50 cm above ground (trees, shrubs, tall stem succulents, arboreal grasses)
C Chamaephyte Perennial plants with perennating meristem at heights < 50 cm above ground (pulvinate, frutescent, suffrutescent or low succulent dwarf shrubs or semi-woody herbs)
H Hemicryptophyte Perennial plants with periodically dying shoots and perennating meristem at the ground (scapose, caespitose, rosulate, semi-rosulate, stoloniferous or repent herbs)
G Geophyte (Cryptophyte) Perennials with above-ground parts periodically dying off and below-ground parts surviving the unfavourable period (which in the Mediterranean may be winter or summer) (bulbous, tuberous or rhizomatous herbs and helophytes)
T Therophyte Annuals, completing their life cycle, optionally several times, within one growing period, surviving the unfavourable period as seed or seedling (spring-green, summer-green or hibernating-green ephemerals)
A Aquatic Aquatic (submerged, emerged, or free-floating) short-lived or perennial herbs


Bk Balkan Taxa restricted to Balkan countries, occasionally extending to adjacent parts of SE Europe
BI Balkan-Italy Taxa restricted to Balkan countries and Italy (amphi-Adriatic)
BA Balkan-Anatolia Taxa restricted to Balkan countries and to Asia minor (Anatolia), occasionally extending to adjacent Caucasian countries (Georgia, Armenia), N Iraq, or the Crimea
BC Balkan-Central Europe Taxa distributed in the Balkans, Carpathians, Alps and adjacent areas (mainly in the mountains)
EM East Mediterranean Taxa restricted to the eastern Mediterranean, occasionally extending to adjacent Caucasian countries or S Italy, respectively
Me Mediterranean Taxa with a circum-Mediterranean distribution including Portugal, occasionally extending to the Caucasus area and N Iran
MA Mediterranean-Atlantic Taxa restricted to maritime western Europe and the Mediterranean
ME Mediterranean-European Taxa restricted to the Mediterranean and temperate Europe, occasionally extending to NW Africa and the Caucasus region
MS Mediterranean-SW Asian Taxa with a distribution range in one or more Mediterranean countries and extending to SW and C Asia
EA European-SW Asian European taxa (occasionally reaching N African countries) with a distribution range extending to SW Asia, occasionally reaching C Asia
ES Euro-Siberian Taxa with main distribution range in temperate Eurasia (occasionally reaching the Caucasus area)
Eu European Taxa with a distribution all over Europe. In southern European countries this category, in fact, represents the Central European element
Pt Paleotemperate Taxa of extratropical Eurasia including the Himalayas and E Asia, not (or at most marginally) extending to North America
Ct Circumtemperate Taxa of both extratropical Eurasia and N America
IT Irano-Turanian Taxa with main distribution range in arid SW and C Asia, extrazonally extending to the Mediterranean area
SS Saharo-Sindian Taxa with main distribution range in arid N Africa and SW Asia, extrazonally extending to the Mediterranean area
ST Subtropical-tropical Taxa widespread in the warmer regions of both hemispheres
Bo Circum-) Boreal Taxa with main distribution range in northern and high montane Eurasia (occasionally extending to North America)
AA Arctic-Alpine Taxa with main distribution range beyond the northern and above the high montane timberlines of Eurasia (occasionally extending to North America)
Co Cosmopolitan Taxa distributed in all continents, i.e. beyond the northern hemisphere. – This category may be given in brackets after the known or supposed native distribution in cases of taxa worldwide spread by man
[trop., subtrop., paleotrop., neotrop., pantrop., N-Am., S-Am., E-As., SE-As., S-Afr., Arab., Arab. NE-Afr., Caucas., Pontic, Europ., Austral.] Origin of the alien taxa in [ ] tropical, subtropical, paleotropical, neotropical, pantropical, N American, S American, E Asian, SE Asian, S African, Arabian, Arabian NE African, Caucasian, Pontic, European, Australian, unknown, etc., optionally a combination of these]
En Greek endemics (incl. single-island and single-mountain endemics) Taxa with a distribution range restricted to the territory of Greece, i.e. to one or more of the 13 floristic regions as adopted in Flora Hellenica vol. 1.

Abbreviations of Chorological, Life-form and Habitat categories according to:

Dimopoulos P., Raus Th., Bergmeier E., Constantinidis Th., Iatrou G., Kokkini S., Strid A. & Tzanoudakis D. 2013: Vascular plants of Greece: An annotated checklist. – Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem; Athens: Hellenic Botanical Society. [Englera 31].